Friday 30 September 2016

Magnet dan peti ais

Masa saya kecik kecik, dulu ofcourse lah tak tahu apa apa pasal physic ,masa tu saya rasa pelik kenapa pintu peti ais saya tak tutup rapat masa tu tapi dia tertutup sendiri macam ade benda yang tarik ..saya tanya kakak dia cuma bagi tahu yang kat pintu tu ada magnet so saya pun discover ape sebenarnya yg ada kat pintu peti ais tu..saya pun amik pisau potong sikit  yang kat bahagian sekeliling pintu peti ais tu saya jumpa benda warna hitam and saya fikir lah yang itu adalah magnet,tapi saya tengok yg lagi satu part peti ais bukan magnet tapi saya masa tu terfikir jarum..saya amik magnet tadi and cuba lekat kan dengan jarum and melekat..masa tu serious excited lepastu tambah lagi excited bila saya gosok magnet pada jarum lain and jarum tu boleh tarik jarum lain pulak and i keep doing that.its actually besi pun boleh jadi magnet sementara..jakun sangat masa tu..hihihi and ibu pun tanya kenapa pintu peti ais  boleh jadi macam tu and saya diam je macam tak pernah berlaku apa apa..sampai sekarang masih simpan peti ais tu..dan saya akan rasa bersalah kalau tengok tempat yg dipotong tu..hihihi..sorry ibu...

Rainbow make me feels wow

One of nature's most splendid masterpieces is the rainbow.I love to see rainbow because it was very colourful that has 7 colours. When i was a child, my brother and i always help my mom for watering plant. One day, he teach me on how to make our own rainbow by using pipe water and i was very excited.
On that time, i only know that rainbow only appear when has sunlight and water drops. But what i had studied in physic is rainbow only appear when sunlight and water drops combine in a very specific way. The beams of sunlight seperate into the colour we see in the rainbow as they enter a raindrops. A rainbow is an excellent demonstration of diversion of light.

The Rainbow

Hi everyone. Well one of the natural phenomena that has always attract my eyes is the rainbow. Even at the age of 19, I'll be very excited when i see a rainbow. So do you know that the rainbow is actually a circle, not the half circle like we usually see? So here's how it works.

When sunlight and raindrops combine to make a rainbow, they can make a whole circle of light in the sky. But it’s a very rare sight. Sky conditions have to be just right for this, and even if they are, the bottom part of a full-circle rainbow is usually blocked by your horizon. That’s why we see rainbows not as circles, but as arcs across our sky
When you see a rainbow, notice the height of the sun. It helps determine how much of an arc you’ll see. The lower the sun, the higher the top of the rainbow. If you could get up high enough, you’d see that some rainbows continue below the horizon seen from closer to sea-level. Mountain climbers sometimes see more of a full-circle rainbow, though even a high mountain isn’t high enough to show you the whole circle.
Pilots do sometimes report seeing genuine full-circle rainbows. They’d be tough to see out the small windows we passengers look through, but pilots have a much better view from up front.
But, don't be confuse with the sun halo ring. It's a different thing. ;)

Winter Dream

Assalamualaikum SSCFians πŸ˜‰

I want to share about my dream thats I related it to physic.

I love snow but I do not have chance to touch the real one πŸ˜…. My dream is to see the first snow in year with my own eyes one day. I love every shape of snowflakes because its unique and different type of shape.

The thing is I wondering about the temperature and how can I handle when I touch the snow. When we experience the temperature is pretty subjective. The fact, humidity, individual physiology and even, our mood also can change of perception of hot and cold temperatures. It is the same with wind chill. The temperature that normally feel is not the true temperature. The air immediately surrounding the human body is warmed by body heat and stays around the body as a sort of 'air cloak'. This insulating cushion of air actually keeps people warm. When the wind blows on you, the cushion of air is blown away, and you are exposed to the true temperature, which feels much colder. Wind chill only affects entities that produce heat. I think I really need thick clothes to prevent me from getting cold.

Don't be startled but marvel. 😘

Now I need seperate time exceeds reached something special to make my dream comes true. I look beyond and its convinced me.

I am doing the 'butterfly' and dream as fairy.

badum tss

This story is happening to me all the time and its annoying. Do you ever wear glasses and stay in a cold area like a room or a car and when you get out of it, your glasses are foggy. Well thats annoying because you cant see anything with and without glasses.

So one day, my friend and i rented a car at noon, 12 o'clock. Its like the hottest day i think so we put the coldest temperature on the air conditioning. We drove around skudai and jb then we make a stop at mamak restaurant after 30 minutes ride. So when i went out the car, my glasses are misty just like i told sooner. 

Then I said to my friend "you're lucky to not wearing glasses and look like an idiot like this" while i looking at him with my glasses were foggy. Then he laughed not because of my glasses but my face look like this
(more uglier than this)

As you know that the weather was hot so i ordered some cool beverage to soothens my throat. When the mamak's waiter handed me the beverage, I saw that outside of the glass are full of water vapour.Then i realize it is the same thing happened to my glasses!(logically, it is the same thing)Isn't that fascinating?!

This is a normal physical phenomenon that when vapour touch the cold things like the glasses, it will immediately condense to be water. We rather called it condensation process(gas to liquid). So if you want to prevent your glasses to fog, wear contact lenses

-pardon my broken language
-pardon if there is a lack of knowledge im just a human with normal brain power


This happened about 5 years ago, when I was at 14 years old. I went to science fair at my school. To make it short, I went to a booth that introduced me to aurora. I had been explained about aurora by a good looking guy, who is my senior at that time. Aurora is one of the most beautiful events to occur in our world. At first I do not know that aurora is related to physics until I being explained by that good looking guy. Aurora can only be seen at night because their light is not as strong as light of the day.

This phenomenon occurs when the sun produces solar winds. In other way, our Earth is surrounded by magnetic fields. Sometimes the solar wind hit our earth. This will cause the collision between particles from solar winds and atoms in earth's atmosphere, thus release the energy that cause the formation of colourful auroras at the poles of the earth. My curiosity about why aurora not happen in my country stop after I learn physics. North and south poles of our earth have very strong magnetic field compared to other region. That is why I cannot see aurora because my country is not in north or south poles. 

I never see aurora in front of my eyes,but I wish I can see aurora when I am travelling to poles one fine day. Perhaps, I can see the aurora with that good looking guy. Hehe :) Anyway, thanks to him for intoducing me to aurora.

A picture of aurora phonomenon :)

The Physics In Ice Princess

Instead of sharing on which physics concept that wow me the most, i would like to share a story on the first time I've ever look at physics as interesting. Thanks to the movie ICE PRINCESS! Well basically is a typical figure skating movie but what differ it from the rest that I've watch was the physics concept they added into one of the scenes. i was only nine or ten when i first watched it and at that time we didn't learn physics yet!

So, the movie is about a girl who is looking for a scholarship to Harvard University and in order to get it she must present a summer project about Physics. As a skater herself, she decides on a project that shows the elements of physics applied in competitive figure skating. in the movies, she uses her knowledge in physics to improve her skating techniques. There was also a part in the movie where she was explaining to her skating friends on how to spin and rotate faster by using physics concept. for example, when  a figure skater pulls in her arms when executing a turn, she spins more quickly.

There was only a small part of 'physics' in the movie but it was that part where she was explaining physics in skating that made me watched Ice Princess a couple of time as i was trying really hard to understand it.. By understanding how figure skating work we could understand three basic physics concept such as friction, momentum and law of equal and opposite reaction (Newton's third law).

To sum it up, i can say that physics concept can be apply to anything we do. we should use it as an advantage. we can also learn physics in many ways like observing and understanding how things around us work

here are a few other figure skating movies that i recommend :
  • Go figure
  • blades of glory
  • the cutting edge
thanks for reading my very boring story!

How to clean a fish tank 101

When I was young, I used to stay at my grandma's house frequently. There is this huge fish tank with my uncle's precious Arowana swimming freely inside. So one day, my uncle ask me to help him clean the tank with him. He told me: "Bring the pipe here, I'm going to show you a magic trick!" I did as he say, and he asked me, "In order to clean the tank, you have to pour out the water inside agree?" "Yes.", "But how to pour out the water when the tank is so heavy?" I stunned. Yea, How? If there were two people push the tank from the side, the tank can be lay down but the glass might break because there is no cushion underneath. But if we lift up the tank and let it be slanted, the water will flow out, but of course not all of them. Just then my uncle said:"Let me show you the MAGIC!"

He put one end of the pipe into the tank and hold the other at a big empty basin. Then, he put his mouth close to the pipe and sucked the air inside it. With the shadow at the pipe, I saw the water flowed magically from the fish tank towards the basin. "WOW!!!" I shouted. "How did you do it uncle?" He smiled and say is the work from the intelligent of our ancestors, you will find out why next time when you learn Physics. "What is Physics?" "Physics is the answer to everything you have ever wonder WHY."  

This is my first ever acquaintance with Physics. Now I know that this is due to Atmospheric pressure that pushed the water out of the pipe. Physics can really help us solve problems daily life simply just applying it. The discovery from the Physicist really helps to develop human kind towards a better quality of life. In fact, everything starts with Physics, just like how this universe are made. 

    Hujung minggu lepas saya dan kawan-kawan saya menaiki kereta kakak kawan saya pergi ke pasar malam berdekatan taman U. Dalam perjalan menuju ke pasar malam itu kakak kepada kawan saya tiba-tiba menekan pedal brek. Kejadian itu membuatkan saya dan kawan2 saya terhumban ke hadapan. Dan pada masa itu saya dan kawan-kawan saya memandang sesama sendiri dan mengatakan dengan serentak *inertia*..hahaha,,kami semua gelak kerana kami semua memikirkan perkara yang sama.. dan kami mulalah menceritakan kejadian i ertia yang pernah kami alami... sepanjang perjalanan kami,kami hanya ketawa kerana mendengar cerita masing-masing. Perkara yang terjadi ini membuatkan kami sangat gembira..kerana  kami tidak menghabiskan masa yang ade dengan cerita yang tiada faedah.malah kami dapat mengetahui kejadian-kejadian yang berlaku dalam kehidupan kami melibatkan fizik. Sekian. ;)

Thursday 29 September 2016

                                       MEMORY OF PHYSICS..

Assalamualaikum dan hye..

    Kali ni nak cerita pasal konsep fizik yang meng”wow”kan saya. Sebenarnya, saya tak ada apa-apa benda yang menarik untuk dikongsi pasal fizik. Tapi tetiba teringat masa belajar dekat matrik dulu. Masa sem satu, kami dapat pensyarah fizik yang suka bercerita. 

    Suatu hari tu, dia cerita pasal masa dia belajar dulu-dulu. Ada kawan pensyarah kami nak pergi kafe, beli makanan. Pensyarah kami dengan kawan-kawan dia yang lain malas nak turun sebab duduk aras yang tinggi. Jadi, dia orang buat cara macam cerita P.Ramlee dulu-dulu. Satu orang dekat bawah dan satu orang dekat atas. Yang dekat atas akan turunkan baldi menggunakan tali yang panjang seperti “pulley” semata-mata nak kirimkan order dengan kawan yang hendak pergi kafe. Saya tak ingat pensyarah kami ada cakap atau tak dimana dia dapat tali tu Lepas tu, orang lain yang lalu dekat koridor dah boleh agak siapa punya kerja. Budak fizik je yang kepala gila-gila macam tu. 

    Bila dengar cerita tu, saya terfikir jugak la nak buat cara yang sama sebab saya pun duduk di aras yang tinggi. Hahahha, tapi tak terbuat la. Walaupun bilik dekat aras tiga, tapi kafe tepi blok je. Tak jauh pun nak jalan. Sebenarnya, saya masih lagi mencuba nak ingat balik memori saya yang berkaitan dengan fizik. Tapi malangnya, tiada. Agak kecewa jugak la. Tapi tak apa, saya akan cipta sebanyak yang boleh memori yang akan mengingatkan saya tentang fizik! In Sha Allah...

Wednesday 28 September 2016


Hye and Assalamualaikum..

when i was young, i always played with my friends at the day, my friends and i decided to buy parachute..we are decided to challenge each other..who's a parachute that takes longer time to fell at the ground, she's the winner but in one condition, we must tie the parachute with things in front of us..

so i took a small rock, i tied it to the parachute, and my friend took some leaf and she tied it to her parachute,,at first  i thought i'm the winner because  my parachute that time was tied with rock..rock is heavy compared to leaf , so it will takes more time to fell down to the ground compared to leaf.. but i was parachute fell down at the ground first compared to my friend and after that i feel curious how come my parachute fell down first?.

until when i was 16, i learned physics and now i know why my parachute fell down first compared to the parachute that tied with a leaf.. so what can i conclude that physics is beauty.. everything that we have done in our life always related to physics..even when we sit on the chairs..of course i feel excited because now i know a lot of things that related to physics and i can share with others especially my friends and i'm not regret that i'm doing bachelor of science in physics industry.


"The Physics's Concept That Wow Me the Most"

    When i was five, i played games with my friends at the backyard of my house. Then, i saw  a big white cylindrical-look object flying above me, making a very loud sound. I was amazed by seeing the flying object and quickly run into the house to get my dad. I asked him what was the flying object, he said "that is the carries people through the air from one place to another". Me, as a five years old kid, I get more curious and asked him "how did the aeroplane fly in the air?". He said the pressure at the wings of the aeroplane makes it fly. Unfortunately, i was too small to understand the concept of pressure itself.

    Now,as a physics student, i finally understand what was meant by my dad. The aeroplane wings are shaped to make air move faster over the top of the wing. When air moves faster, the pressure of the air decreases. So the pressure on the top of the wing is less than the pressure on the bottom of the wing. The difference in pressure creates a force on the wing that lifts the wing up into the air.

   The same concept is applied when the birds fly. But, in this case, the birds use their strong breast muscles to flap their wings and give them the thrust to move through the air and fly.In a way, birds use a swimming motion to get the lift needed to fly. Aeroplane wings have a similar shape as bird wings, but instead of flapping their wings, we use engines to thrust them into the air and create the lift needed to fly.

    Thus, there is no doubt that the physics concept applied on the aeroplane had "wow"ed  me the most. I will never ever forget the incident where i first found the aeroplane flying obove me and how my dad tried to explain to me on how the aerplane fly.

Tuesday 27 September 2016


One day on August,I had met with a beautiful and nice looking girl. I looked at her,I thought I had already fall in love and attracted to her same as the unlike charges attracted together.I talk to her, I didn't mean to make you feel uneasy.I thought I had crush on you. It is not my fault that I fall for you...
"It is electric charge..."

Remembering that beautiful day makes me see the ducks. We were at the UTM lake, enjoying the nature view.Since that day,I thought electric charge on her body had jump on my body and make me smile everyday.

Electric charge is the physical property of matter that causes it to experience a force when placed in an electromagnetic field. There are two types of electric charges positive and negative. Like charges repel and unlike attract. An object is negatively charged if it has an excess of electrons, and is otherwise positively charged or uncharged. The SI derived unit of electric charge is the coulomb (C).In electrical engineering, it is also common to use the ampere-hour (Ah),and in chemistry,it is common to use the elementary charge (e) as a unit.The symbol Q often denotes charge.Early knowledge of how charged substances interact is now called classical electrodynamics, and is still accurate for problems that don't require consideration of quantum effects.

You may not see electric charge physically but for me we both were unlike charges that attracted us together.Electric charge 'attracts' me more to what I am doing now, exploring Physics.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Thank you for sharing!

Dear all SSCFians,

Thank you for sharing your stories, expectations and dreams. Trust me, your writings are inspiring for me. I wish you all the best and let us take this journey together. Three weeks done, 11 weeks to go! Heeeyaak!

Dear readers,
Thank you for reading. Please drop comments. Who knows, your comments might make someone smile. Or, get inspired?

Dear SSCFians, As you shared your stories, let me share mine.

I cannot say I am a fan of Physics since I was a kid, but I am a fan of "WHY". I love to ask why and why. I think, that already reflects me as a fan of Science, right? And I remember, early this year, I asked a friend to mimic our close friends. We had good laugh because he mimicked our friends perfectly. Until finally I asked him, "Now, act as me".

After a pause, he looked at me, seriously, and said "What? Why ? Who said that? What make you thinking that way?" I was confused, "really, that is how you act as me?". He said, "Yes, you always ask for evidence of any statement".

Then I remember, one of my female friends also once said, "To talk with Ain, I must be very sure where my stories or arguments come from. Otherwise she will keep questioning or argue the doubtful statements" Huh! We can only see our face by using a mirror. From the reflection. So we know ourselves better from the reflection or feedback from others. I discover myself from my friends' comments.

Mirror.. reflection.. wait, did I just mentioned one of Physics concept, the reflection of light? Heeee...

Okay, done.

Here I shared photos taken from our class, "Introduction to Physics". They are all the contributors in this blog together with me, their lucky lecturer. Eerr... on paper, yes, but in reality, I am their facilitator! (I don't give only lecture) Enjoy!

Group discussion in class ;

Picnic nearby UTM's lake ;

Group presentation ;


Monday 5 September 2016

Physics, the theory of everything

I wouldn't have chosen Physics as my favourite  subject if it wasn't for Pn.Suhaili. She is an awesome teacher that could basically solve every problem from academics to personal issues. I always find Physics is hard to understand since Form 4 because unlike Geography or Biology, Physics is a thing that we can't see, all we learn is just the theory from mankind before us that explains why the phenomena happens in daily life. But at the same time, Physics exist everywhere. That's why with my title, Physics basically explained every single thing that happened in life, in society furthermore in the universe. I think I'm blessed meeting Pn. Suhaili during Form 6, not just that I learned the knowledge of Physics, she boost my curiosity towards Physics to always ask WHY? Why the horizontal motion of a projectile is constant? Why without external electrical sources, electricity can be charged by magnets? She never fails to explain every single question we ask her patiently, thus staying back to help us solve problems after school. Although she is still young, student treated her their utter respect as a teacher at the same time as their best buddy in school. I don't think I have ever been so excited for class when it comes to Physics, all thanks to my precious Pn. Suhaili.

Pengalaman mengenai subjek fizik

Perkenalan saya tentang subjek fizik bermula ketika saya berumur 16 tahun. Pada mulanya saya memang tidak menyukai subjek fizik kerana pada pendapat saya fizik merupakan subjek yang sukar untuk difahami. Namun begitu saya tetap mencuba untuk mendekati dan memahami fizik di sekolah namun keputusannya saya tidak berjaya mendapatkan keputusan yang baik didalam keputusan peperiksaan SPM.
Setelah melanjutkan pelajaran di matrikulasi saya mencabar diri saya sekali lagi untuk mengambil mata pelajaran fizik. Di matrikulasi, pensyarah telah mengajar subjek ini dengan menggunakan kaedah yang menarik seperti menambahkan ilmu pengetahuan am dan secara tidak langsung telah membuat saya rasa berasa seronok untuk mempelajari fizik. Beliau juga telah membuatkan saya berasa betapa besarnya ilmu Allah ini sehingga membuatkan saya berasa tidak cukup dan ingin terus mendalami ilmu ini. Alhamdulillah berkat dorongan dan ajaran dari pensyarah dan kawan - kawan di matrikulasi, saya berjaya mendapatkan keputusan yang lebih baik dalam peperiksaan di matrikulasi. Saya berharap di UTM ini saya dapat terus mempelajari dan memahami ilmu ini serta dapat mengaplikasikan ilmu ini dalam kehidupan seharian.
  Kisah bermula seorang pelajar mengenali fizik. Nama diberi Safwan Din. Sejak berumur 13 tahun saya mengenali fizik ketika menghadiri kelas subjek sains di SMK Seri Ampang, Ipoh. Ketika itu saya mempelajari untuk mengukur radas di dalam makmal sains. Cikgu disana amat baik dan memahami setiap kekurangan pelajar. Beliau mengajar kami dengan penuh tekun sampai kami mengusainya.

  Setelah tamat pengajian di sekolah menengah. Saya mendapat tawaran ke Matrikulasi Perak dengan mengambil program fizik. Di situlah saya mula mengenali pensyarah yang sangat bagus iaitu Miss Chew. Beliau telah berjaya menarik minat saya kepada fizik. Fizik digunakan pada setiap hari, tidak kira di mana sahaja pastinya terdapat konsep fizik. Akhir kata, saya berharap anda semua juga dapat meminati fizik seperti saya. Sekian.
Fizik... Kau & Aku

     Assalamualaikum, salam sejahtera, salam satu Malaysia, salam sehati sejiwa dan salam utm sanjungan bangsa. Secara jujurnya saya tak minat fizik pun. Pada mulanya sebagai student saya hanya ingin belajar sahaja. Keputusan peperiksaan pun sebenarnya di luar dugaan saya. Tapi alhamdulillah saya dapat memahami fizik dengan mudah bantuan guru saya. Jika saya tidak memahami sesuatu benda yang berkaitan dengan fizik saya akan tetap berusaha sedaya upaya dan bertanya guru jika ingin tahu lebih lanjut tentang apa-apa tajuk sekalipun.

    Apa yang saya tahu, fizik ini sentiasa ada dalam kehidupan seharian kita dan kita sentiasa menhadapinya. Tak kira samada kita duduk, baring atau buat apa-apa benda yang kita suka. Jadi, di situlah saya dapat tahu bahawa fizik ini sangat menarik perhatian saya dan saya cuba untuk belajar lebih mendalam lagi tentang fizik. Bersama-samalah kita belajar tentang fizik dan menjadi saintis yang hebat dan termasyhur ye semua. Fighting!!!!
Physic and me

I started learning physic when i was form 4. It was really hard at the first time and it made me to hate physic for a while but in the end i was able to study physic and score my physic in exam. It was all because of my friends and my teachers who were always there to help me.haha.



Quote of Prof Walter Levin:
For me physics is a way of seeing –the spectacular and the mundane, 
the immense and the minute---as a beautiful, thrillingly interwoven world.

I started to love physics when i was in form 4. A million thanks to my physics teacher( I LOVE THE WAY HOW HE TEACH US, WE WILL NEVER GET BORED DURING HIS CLASS). Futhermore, I found that it is quite interesting to study physics as it is closely related in our daily life and Physics help us to see the world through different perspective. A lot of beautiful things can be discover in the universe when we applied the physics concept. This explained why i love physics so much compare to biology. Lastly, i wish that i can get a good achievement in my degree's life.

######################   FIGHTHING <3############################
      Assalamualaikum and hai everyone..Pengalaman saya dengan physics? hmmm..actually,dulu saya paling menyampah sangat dengan subjek physics nie terutama time spm dulu.bila sebut je class physics lepas nie,hilang terus semangat..hahaha teruk kan? asal kelas physics mesti tnye "wajib eh ambil physic?"nampak tak betapa menyampahnya saya dengan physics..maybe sebab i can't understand apa yang cikgu saya ajar walaupun sebenarnya cikgu saya tu boleh tahan hensem juga...hensem2 pun klau tak faham nak buat ape kan? ayat dia..
      ok sejak bila saya mula tertarik dengan physics? ianya bermula sejak saya masuk matrik..first2 berfikir dua tiga kali juga betul ke nak ambil physics.Betul ke keputusan saya nak ambil physics,tapi akhirnya saya ambil juga physics.Allah telah hadirkan seorang cikgu yang sangat baik untuk saya.cikgu yang mengajar saya ialah cikgu baizura tak garang and senang faham.Dari situ lah mulanya minat saya terhadap physics .then saya sedar physics sebenarnya tak susah cuma kena ada minat.Terima kasih cikgu..I LOVE U..
       Then bila masuk utm pun dapat fizik industri,yesss...akhirnya hidup saya dengan physics,it was very amazing.Sebesar apapun menyampah saya terhadap pyhsics akhirnya tetap dengan physics juga.ALLAH tahu apa yang terbaik untuk kita ,sebagai umatNYA kita perlu bersyukur dengan segala nikmatNYA..



When I was a young boy,
My father took me into the city
To see a marching band.
He said, "Son when you grow up,
Would you be the savior of the broken,
The beaten and the damned?"
He said "Will you defeat them,
Your demons, and all the non-believers,
The plans that they have made?"
"Because one day I'll leave you,
A phantom to lead you in the summer,
To join The Black Parade."
Akhirnya, saya mulai menyukai fizik
Physics and me
I choose subject physics just because of the handsome teacher when I am in form 4 and form 5...hahaha
After that, I feel that I love physics compare with biology...So I join physics class when I am in form 6...
Unfortunately, my form 6 physics teacher look down on me because I only get B in SPM...So I decided to work harder in subject physics...That all........

Sunday 4 September 2016

Physics and I

Hi everyone.

I started to enjoy physics since primary school as i love to watch science documentary shows such as extreme engineering, mega builders and more. There's also one tv shows called backyard science where they do and explain all the experiments stuff that are cool enough to be try at home. To be honest, i want to be a physicist since i was 9 years old (astrophysicist to be exact).
And now here i am studying industrial physics for bachelor, to make my dream comes true.

Thank you for reading


Well hello there, Peace be upon you,

My story about physic just like others, its cliche. its start when I entered secondary school, through my foundation at Dengkil life until now and i pray it will continue for the rest of my life. something interesting about me and physic is i finally realized that its not about whenever you scored the subject, its shows its subject suits you or your career. for me, its about passion and how you applied all of our knowledge in your routine.

this is my random thoughts: 

I choose SSCF because of my passion,
and hoping it will become my future profession ,

The journey begins,
and I pray for His blessing,

Even though I start with a mess,
but I dream a good result on my desk.



assalamualaikum..selamat pagi dan salam UTM sanjungan bangsa :)

pagi ni aku nak cerita sikit pasal pengalaman aku dengan fizik..masa mula2 aku ambik subjek fizik masa tu form 4..masa tu cikgu yang ajar aku fizik ni guru kelas aku..aku ni boleh la nak dikatakan rapat  dengan guru kelas aku ni sebab beliau tak jauh beza pun umur dengan aku..orang kata jiwa muda..haaaa..dah macam kawan pun ada sebab banyak cerita yang aku kongsi kan dengan dari situ aku minat la sikit dengan subjek fizik even aku tak dapat score dengan baik pun..lepastu, masa form 5 pulak, cikgu yang ajar aku fizik ni dah kelas aku ni dah tak mengajar fizik dah..cikgu lain pulak yang ganti..masa form 5 ya Allah, aku punya pemahaman pasal subjek fizik ni tak payah cakap la..teruk sangat-sangat..kalau cikgu ajar dekat kelas tu, banyak tak faham dari faham..kalau exam tu jangan cakap la, jarang sangat nak lulus..kalau dpt 40 ke atas tu rasa macam pandai sangat dah masa tu..lepas je tamat sekolah,aku dapat tawaran sambung belajar dekat matrikulasi,masa dekat matrikulasi pulak, aku dapat seorang lecturer fizik yang dari PST(Program Satu Tahun)..aku ni PDT (Program Dua Tahun) je..bila lecturer dari PST turun PDT faham-faham je la..ajar macam kilat..lajuu sangat-sangat sampai aku pun blur sebab tak faham satu topik tu, tak sempat nak fahamkan, terus masuk topik lain..lagi la bertambah-tambah tak faham ni haa..tapi alhamdulillah, tak lama lepas tu, ada seorang pensyarah fizik dari PDT ganti pensyarah PST ni sebab beliau kena masuk PST balik..dari situ pandangan aku tentang subjek fizik berubah 100%..walaupun pensyarah yang baru tu garang..bukan garang, tp garang sangat-sangat..tapi beliau salah seorang pesnyarah yang aku tak  akan lupa sampai bila-bila..beliau dah didik aku sampai aku boleh suka sangat fizik..baling buku, cubit, pukul,baling report, tak payah cakap la..semua aku pernah kena..tapi dari situ lah aku belajar sampai aku boleh dapat anugerah pelajar cemerlang dalam subjek fizik (bukan nak belagak, tapi nak kongsi pengalaman dari yang tak tahu apa-apa tentang fizik akhirnya boleh capai kejayaan yang boleh dibanggakan..haha)..aku bersyukur sangat dipertemukan dengan seorang pensyarah yang garang tetapi hatinya cukup baik..aku tau dia buat macam tu sebab dia nak kami semua menjadi seorang insan yang berguna pada masa hadapan..ayat dia yang paling aku tak boleh lupa sampai bila-bila "kalau fizik kau tak boleh dapat A, kau keluar matrik!"itu la salah satu sebab kenapa aku boleh stay dekat matrik sampai sem 4..hehehe..sebab fizik aku dapat A..haha..last sekali, aku nak cakap terima kasih kepada semua guru yang telah didik aku daripada seorang yang tak tau apa-apa tentang fizik, sampai boleh minat dengan subjek fizik..jasa kalian aku tak akan lupakan sampai bila-bila..semoga aku dapat keluar dari UTM ni dengan segulung ijazah sarjana muda fizik shaa Allah..sekian itu saja pengalaman yang aku nak kongsikan shaa Allah panjang umur aku share lagi tentang pengalaman yang lain pula.


Assalamualaikum pencinta fizik..hehe...nak cerita tentang fizik dan saya la kan..okay..dari form 4 sampai la matriks ni fizik ni senang tapi susah..sebab apa ye...susah nak score A..tidak tahu lah mana silapnya.hehe..terus kepada pengalaman saya..saya ni tidak suka fizik pon.subjek paling minat dan mesti score masa exam ialah biologi..minat gila orang cakap..tapi dah bukak je upu..wah!!! fizik industri..tidak boleh nak cakap apa la.. rezeki kita mana tahu..Allah lebih mengetahui..saya bukan la tidak suka fizik sangat-sangat pon..tidak suka sikit je..tapi masuk sem 2 dekat matriks dapat lecturenya sporting habis..beliau ajar laju tapi asalkan beliau ajar tu semua masuk..memang seronok la masa kuliah beliau itu..since that,ade la tertangkap cintan sama fizik dan dapat scor fizik.. alhamdulillah...sekian


Assalamualaikum and a very good evening to all of u who is reading this. U might be one of my professors,friends,classmates or even strangers. Well,do know I am welcoming you tremendously to read and enjoy my post about one of my most memorable stories I've kept alongside ,throughout my 3 years journey of indulging into this area or field.
I was a matriculation student,and unexpectedly I've got into banting,selangor matriculation which is situated like so near to my house in shah Alam.It was shocking because i had requested for the ones in kelantan and pineng?.So yeah..

I was in module 2,stereotyped as future engineers,physicist and some other occupations that we may encounter that are related to physics. Thou,I was grateful that I didnt take biology anymore,I was very scared about physics..because my love for my spm level physics back then pun sebab one of of my tutors named Mr Aru,he is an indian guy,a devoted christian and a great artist as well. I still kept his drawings still,until now.Thats how precious they are to me.

I remember when I've entered my first class for physics,I was pretty confident back then,with the most motivating feeling to impress my unknown physic's lecturer.But,instead of impressing,I have made him mad. Long story short,my first 3 lab reports were a mess and I've got zeroes for all of them. It was very funny if i remember back about it today but I remember clearly enough that I cried devastatedly for the third lab report because of a foolish misunderstanding. I've never did my lab report alone,but for my third lab report I have done it very well and precisely checked.Yelah,checked for like 10 times just for a lab report. So,when i was determined to hand in my work at the earliest hour, my lecturer said there were some correction for us to do so we need to hand in by 5 pm. Well, end of the day where i thought i asked my friend to help handing in my report to him...I've checked my bag and OMG!,there it tears-of-blood lab report. I was scared of course and I cried,do know I am not a person who easily cries so if I cry for you than you are somehow speacial.

Its was hard for me to bring myself up and keep myself motivated but I know deep within that he is a great teacher more like an amazing educator because behind every rage,he advices like no other,genuinely wanting to help us to become better humans. After a year,he made me who I am now.He showed me the beauty in physics and relate it to the world and teachings of my religion.He showed that every knowledge especially phyics have their own importances in this world and are never in vain.He tought me,that eventhough we face obstacles and whatever difficulties in life,do believe it happens for a reason and please face it not run. I used to run,but when I've changed my ways back then to not run and face him on,face my weaknesses and insecurities hard on. I learned so many things and changed to a better human. Unlike every students he have scolded,I was the only one who never apologized because one of my principles in life,is to never give out ur apologies that easily because we need it to be somewhat I did apologize but,not until my very last meeting with him where I brought along something dear to me, my new self and an A.

Fizik Dan aku

Pasal fizik ni..mula2 nya aku tak minat sangat sebab asyik fail je,kawan kawan aku selalu dapat markah yang lagi best dari aku,dan semestinya aku akan jealous,and aku hilang agak ramai kawan sebab result yang teruk... Lepas habis spm tu aku bertekad nak dapat a dalam fizik..then, alhamdulillah aku dapat A.

Bagi aku fizik ni perlukan penghayatan yang tinggi kerana kita selalu gunakannya dalam kehidupan seharian kita..

Terima kasih sebab membaca..

True Story

Assalamualaikum and hai:)

Firstly nk cite yg saya rasa bersyukur dan bertuah dan tak sangka dapat ditawarkn ke UTM JOHOR ni . Mula-mula rasa cam tak percaya dapat sini sbb saya tahu UTM salah satu universiti yg hebat dia Malaysia dan saya tahu saya bukan org yg pandai sngt. Tetiba saya teringat ketika saya form 1 saya pernah berdoa untuk melanjutkn pelajaran ke UTM ni mungkin Allah dah makbulkn doa saya. Alhamdulliah:' . Tpi pada masa yg sama ketika saya melihat surat tawaran dan melihat course yg ditawarkan oleh pihak UTM rasa berasa sngt takut saya pun xtahu kenapa saya rasa nk nangis pon ade>< . Saya bukan lh seorang yg tak minat fizik pada awal ye ketika saya f4 n f5 saya amat minat kepada fizik dan berdoa menjadi seorg ahli fizik yg berjaya walaupun keputusannya xberapa cemerlang tpi saya lebih berusaha untuk belajar fizik dri subjek yg lain(bio n chem). Tpi ketika saya di matrikulasi saya rasa fizik makin susah saya pon xtahu nape tpi saya berusaha tuk belajar jgak ^^lecturer2 fizik saya di matrik sangat hebat saya mmg xnafikn tpi saya xtahu nape saya xbole paham fizik . Dri situ saya rasa saya tahu tahap kemampuan saya , saya xleh go dgn fizik tpi xleh go pon saya dpt A tuk sem2 saya pon pelik@_@ . Then ade sorang lecturer fizik nie dia penah ckp setiap sorang ade daya kemampuan dia tersendiri kalo kamu tahu xbole bawak fizik jgn la amik tpi bile dipikirkn balik saya pon xtahu npe saya ltak fizik industri dlm pilihan saya tetiba saya terpikir yg mungkin Allah ade perancangan yg lebih baik untuk saya . Dan saya pecaya yg Allah xkn uji umatnya mengikut kemampuannya. Oleh itu , saya akan bersungguh-sungguh untuk mempelajari fizik ni dan mendapat 4.0 tuk setiap sem

*sorry panjang sangat sebenarnya pnjg lgi tpi dah dipendekkn , nie paling pendek><
Harap sudah baca la..hehe^^

Fizik dan Saya

Assalamualaikum...masa mula-mula dapat kos fizik masa tingkatan 4,saya bayangkan fizik ni sangat susah tambahan abang-abang dan kakak-kakak senior cakap fizik ni kena banyak hafal formula dan konsep,sekiranya konsep salah semua jawapan menjadi salah.Masa tu rasa takut gila sebab takut tak lulus.Masa ujian pertama saya dapat A dalam fizik,kawan saya terkejut jugak sebab tak sangka saya dapat A sebab saya bukannya pandai sangat..bila dapat A tu rasa minat sangat dengan fizik tambahan cikgu  saya dulu  pandai menerangkan konsep konsep fizik dengan bercerita dengan keadaan sekeliling macam prinsip bernoulli berkaitan sayap kapal terbang dan kereta lumba kenapa bentuk macam tu..jadi sebab tulah saya pilih bidang fizik sebab berkaitan dengan kehidupan kita..saya kalau belajar mesti nak kena ada contoh baru boleh faham..masa masuk matrikulasi dulu,saya takut sangat kalau tak dapat modul 2 sebab masa spm saya ambik biologi,saya ingatkan saya diletakkan di modul 1..masa tu dah plan kalau dapat modul 1 nak tukar modul 2 tapi syukur saya dapat modul 2 sebab spm biologi saya dapat C..sebab tu saya pilih fizik industri di UTM...:)


salam sehati sejiwa!Hai crew SSCF !

assalammualaikum ..

kita akan bertemu muka yang sama setiap hari. tak ade istilah bosan dalam prsahabatan.tak kisah la baru kenal ke dah lama kenal.once u came in my life, u are a part of my life.
           actually first time tulis blog! first time but sure not the last. ada apa dgn cinta?? eh ehhe .ada apa dengan fizik??? sejujurnya fizik bukan favourite subjek .walaupun cikguu fizik, Chong namannya .. dulu cute, berbangsa cina dan bagus.sangat bagus..tapi tak pernah dapat A untuk fizik di sekolah menengah.paling tinggi pun B+ kot..okaylah ...then ,saya mula tak minat fizik bila result spm saya near miss untuk subjek fizik..sedih kott..hurm..dari situ ingat tak nak ambil fizik lagi..tpi chemistry kuat dengan physic ..
          saya dapat modul 1 di matrikulasi dulu dulu ..first semester ,dapat lecturer physic yang tak berape nak best.. selalu lah tido time kuliah..hehe.kes ni berlanjutan sampai ujian pertengahan semester 1..sye mengaku ..sye fail subjek tu.pahit rasenye.but ,Hadamm..cobaaann.. nasib saya makin malang bila lecturer tutorial  paling garang. kitaorang tak pernah nak ketawa bila kelas dia.saya dan beberapa kawan saya diwajibkan untuk duduk dibaris hadapan setiap kali tutorial .saya sedar ..bila dah fail tu takkan nak biarkan je..saya rajinkan diri ke kelas enstein (kmm students knows). kelas enstein saya fokus seratus peratus.barulah saya sedar, saya banyak ambil mudah subjek fizik ...fizik ni tak boleh main2 tau.bende yang kecik2 itulah yang sangat penting .Salah simbol pun perasaan macam buat dosa besar!at last, syukur dapat A- untuk fizik.
             Alhamdulillah!! rasa macam tak percaya.tapi benar.benar belaka.naik sem 2 , dapat lecturer handsome, sporting dan paling pnting ..kelakar.Sir Jejaii namanya..aura fizik dia kuat sampailah di kuliah tak pernah tidur.mesti ada sahaje lawak dia, spnjg sem2 tu memang have funlah dengan fizik..selepas mengalami pelbagai cobaan pahit manis dengan fizik ..,fizik byk mengubah attitude saya.jadi, fizik lah favourite subjek tak, maths my most fav subjek .fizik ni akan menarik bila kita kenal dan boleh kaitkan fizik dengan kehidupan seharian .lagipun, fizik ni mendekatkan kita dengan pencipta kita.

Dan diri situ, saya jumpa satu sebab mengapa saya nak further ,dig and explore more in physic..sedikit video tentang fizik ..

lastly,,jom kukuhkan menara gading ni sama-sama.jom berjaya sama-sama.thanks sebab gigih baca post ni.huhu


2 .00am


Syafiuddin ^^

1:23 AM

     Assalamualaikum dan selamat malam kepada semua penuntut ilmu fizik yang pandai , cerdik lagi bijaksana !! cewahh ayat macam karangan SPM pula *laughing* So dalam perkongsian blog  berkaitan "fizik dan saya" tak banyak yang dapat diceritakan =)  Okaylah , memang saye suka subjek fizik ini tetapi ......... fizik merupakan subjek kedua fav saya waktu sekolah lah haha (i know its not funny , who cares) okay okay sebenarnya subjek kimia waktu itu lagi menarik perhatian saya dalam dunia sains . Tapi alhamdulillah cahaya petunjuk nk belajar ilmu  keramat fizik ni datang waktu di asasi uitm .. hamekk kauu macam tazkirah subuh asrama , so so so so , kat asasi , fizik ni lah jadi fav subjek saya . Kalau ada quizes , assignments or even test paper lain , saya memang akan , perlu , harus , wajib , mesti lebihkan masa dengan buku fizik , lepastu subjek lain ke laut and hancusss hehek. Then saye ambil keputusan untuk sambung dlm program fizik untuk degree , so here I am ladies n gentlemen , *bangga sikit* Okay lah tu je kott muqadimah sebagai seorang pelajar fizik yang baru di UTM ini. Hopefully ,seluruh warga program SSCF tahun pertama 2016/2017 ini akan  mencapai cita cita yg diimpikan dan menggunakan segala ilmu yang kita dapat sepanjang 4 tahun akan datang dengan berhemah  :) 

                                                     THINK LIKE A PROTON 
                                                           STAY POSITIVE !

 love xo




Physics Ohhh Physicss πŸ’‹

   Assalamualaikum wbt dan selamat sejahtera semua... 🌹🌹🌹

Maaf ya, saya ni kurang pandai mengarang, nak buat ayat panjang-panjang. Hehe πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Asalnya saya langsung tidak meminati subjek Fizik. Saya rasa Fizik itu susah. Sejak zaman SPM lagi saya tidak meminati subjek ini.

Bilakah saya mula meminati subjek Fizik?
Haaaaa. Sejak saya memasuki alam Matrikulasi.
Tapi, saya tidak mahu belajar Fizik, mungkin masih lagi takut dengan sejarah silam masa SPM dulu kot. 😝

Semasa di Matrikulasi, saya telah mendapat modul 1.
Tetapi, saya berusaha untuk bertukar ke modul 3 sebab tiada subjek Fizik. Namun begitu, permohonan saya tidak diluluskan.. Sedih bukan? πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

Saya tiada pilihan lain melainkan teruskan usaha dan belajar bersungguh-sungguh walaupun tidak berjaya untuk bertukar ke modul 3.

Pada awalnya, saya masih tidak menunjukkan minat terhadap subjek ini.
Namun, mujur pensyarah Fizik saya merupakan seorang pensyarah yang garang. Saya sering dimarahi kerana tidak meminati subjek Fizik sehingga pernah beliau berkataaaa.....

      "Kalau kau taknak belajar Fizik, baik kau keluar je matrik ni."

Pada waktu itu, saya rasa sangat sedih.. Saya mula berfikir.. Saya mesti lakukan sesuatu. Saya mesti buktikan pada beliau bahawa saya juga boleh berjaya. Bermula dari hari itu, saya mula berubah menjadi seorang pelajar yang rajin bertanya meskipun soalan yang ditanya itu kadang-kadang tidak masuk akal. Soalan yang senang pun saya tanya juga. Biarlah orang nak kata apa pun. Abaikan semua kata-kata negatif orang lain. Malu bertanya, sesat jalan. Betul tak?? 😊😊

Alhamdulillah, berkat kesabaran, kesungguhan dan sikap tidak mudah putus asa, akhirnya saya berjaya membuatkan kedua-dua pensyarah Fizik saya bangga dan tersenyum bahagia. Sekarang saya amat meminati dan mencintai subjek Fizik. Saya memang nekad untuk mendalami lagi ilmu Fizik ini dengan memilih program Fizik Industri di UTM dan program ini merupakan pilihan pertama saya ketika mengisi borang UPU.

Alhamdulillah, akhirnya saya diterima untuk melanjutkan pelajaran di universiti impian saya dengan kos yang saya mahukan. 😍😍

Terima kasih semua kerana sudi membaca coretan saya yang biasa-biasa sahaja ini.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Assalamualaikum πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹

->Diya 🌸


   First time jumpa en Fizik masa form 4. Kenal- kenal for fun je. Tiada kisah yang menarik mengenai detik perkenalan saya dan en Fizik. Harap maklum.

Di sini segalanya bermula

   Orang kata tak kenal maka tak cinta kan? Tak sangka pula jodoh saya dengan en Fizik ni panjang. Ni semua berkat usaha cikgu-cikgu yang gigih nak satukan juga saya dengan en Fizik ni.

Tempat jatuh lagikan dikenang, inikan pula bumi pendidikan tempat kami berkenalan.
     Matchmaker kisah kami yang pertama sekali ialah Cikgu Nafisah. Cikgulah antara insan yang paling semangat nak kenalkan semua pasal en Fizik dekat saya dan klasmate. Kami be like, handsome sangat ke en Fizik ni?

Kenangan habis menduduki paper fizik SPM
   So, sehingga ke hari ini, dalam perjalanan kisah saya dan en Fizik, ada beberapa insan hebat yang saya kagumi yang sentiasa sokong dan bagi kata-kata semangat pada saya untuk terus sayang dan faham en Fizik. Almaklumlah, tahun ni je dah 4 tahun saya kenal en Fizik. Macam-macam rasa ada. Sayang. Suka. Bosan. Menyampah. Marah. Fed up pon ada.
sekarang sayang. Kot?

      Tapi, hadirnya insan-insan yang hebat di sekeliling saya menyeru saya untuk terus memperjuangkan apa yang telah saya mulakan. Cehh.
4 orang lecturer fizik saya. Mdm Tg Ainun, Ms Hanisah, Mdm Lydia dan Sir Jejai.
   Madam Haslidia. First time jumpa dengan mdm, semua orang ingat mdm single lagi. Mdm sangat muda dan cantik. Lepas separuh semester baru tahu yang mdm dah ada anak tiga yang super duper comel. Awet muda sangat. Saya terfikir, mdm ni tak stress ke kenal dengan en Fizik. Bukan ke yang kenal dengan en Fizik ni muka jadi berkedut- kedut, kepala botak and berkaca mata yang tebal berinci-inci. Masa tu, expectation berubah. Fine, en Fizik ni fun and interesting orangnya.

Mdm Lydia bertudung pink tersenyum ceria dengan dua anaknya.
   Sir Jejai. Untuk saya berada di UTM dengan pilihan hati, en Fizik, Sir inilah yang paling kuat mendorong saya. handsome tau. Single lagi. Sir pesan kat saya, setia dengan en Fizik ni, awak baik dengan en Fizik, dia akan be good dekat awak.

last day dengan sir. hashtag bajumelayupink

   So, for now, saya akan teruskan cerita cinta saya dengan en Fizik selama 4 tahun di UTM sanjungan bangsa ni. Saya sangat berharap saya dapat get along dengan baik and akhiri perkenalan kami pon dengan baik. Di hari- hari yang mendatang, saya teruja untuk jumpa insan-insan yang hebat di sekeliling saya sebagai pendorong semangat untuk terus maju ke depan. yeahhh
Sir jangan tipu saya yee
     Di matrikulasi, saya dan rakan sekelas menyertai satu program 'Mencari Juara Parody Fizik' yang dianjurkan sepenuhnya oleh Unit Fizik KMM. Kami berjaya ke semi final pada semester1 dengan lagu since u been gone by Kelly Clarkson dan alhamdulillah berjaya bergelar Juara di semester2 dengan lagu we got the world by icona pop, timber by pitbull, price tag by jessie j and dont u forget about me..


Saya mula mengenali subjek fizik semasa tingkatan 3 lagi. Ketika itu saya tidak sabar-sabar lagi untuk menaiki ke tingkatan 4 untuk belajar subjek fizik. Saya banyak mendengar daripada rakan-rakan saya yang menyatakan subjek fizik ini adalah suatu subjek yang sangat menyeronokkan. Mendengar mereka kata begitu semangat saya untuk belajar fizik semakin berkobar-kobar. 
Tibalah masa yang ditunggu-tunggu saya telah menduduki tingkatan 4. Saya pun belajarlah subjek fizik yang saya tunggu-tunggu sebelum ini. Pada mulanya, saya rasa sangat seronok belajar subjek ini lama-kelamaan saya mula hilang minat dengan subjek ini. Saya rasa seperti kena kencing dengan member-member saya yang mengatakan subjek ini seronok jadi aku mengambil keputusan untuk benci dengan subjek ini. 
Tingkatan 4 telah pun berlalu kini aku di tingkatan 5 peperiksaan SPM pun semakin dekat. Aku berasa sangat takut dengan keputusan fizik yang akan aku perolehi. Tanpa aku sangka minat aku terhadap subjek ini semakin pulih kerana guru mengajar aku dengan pendekatan yang cukup menarik. Aku semakin faham dengan konsep subjek ini. Bila dah faham minat tu bertambah. Aku memperolehi keputusan yang baik subjek fizik. 
Kini aku telah melanjutkan pelajaran dalam bidang fizik industri di utm. Bagi aku fizik akan berasa seronok bila kita faham dengan apa yang diajar. Bukan sahaja subjek fizik malah subjek-subjek yang lain pun begitu kalau faham perasaan seronok itu sendiri akan datang bagi pendapat aku. Kalau ayat tak faham atau cerita tak menarik boleh komen dekat ruangan komen.

Assalamualaikum dan selamat petang kepada pensyarah saya dan kawan2 seperjuangan sekalian.Fizik merupakan satu subjek yang baru dalam hidup saya.Saya beranggapan bahawa fizik sesuatu yang mudah di fahami,tapi saya salah.Pada peringkat sekolah menengah,saya antara orang yang dikehendaki oleh guru fizik kerana sering gagal dalam matapelajaran tersebut.Beralih kepada peringkat matrikulasi,saya bertemu semula dengan subjek fizik.Saya ingatkan inilah pengakhiran bagi fizik  dan masa depan saya.Mula2,saya belajar fizik sedikit demi sedikit.Lama kelamaan,saya mendapati fizik sangat best dan saya berani mengambil subjek ini sebagai peluang untuk masa depan yang lebih cerah.Semasa mengisi borang upu,saya mengambil mata pelajaran fizik dan matematik sebagai subjek teras untk melanjutkan pelajaran saya ke peringkat yang seterusnya dan Alhamdullilah saya dapat matapelajaran fizik yang saya minta.Jadi,saya harap keputusan saya untuk saya jadikan fizik sebagai subje teras tidak sia2.



I start suka fizik since secondary sebab cikgu. Lagipun Physics ada kaitan dengan daily life and soon. 
So start dari situ lah orang semua cakap tak suka physics and soon. But walaupun i tak berapa pandai. I try juga nak perform dalam physics and suka dengan physics. Masuk matrics dapat cikgu physics yang suka bagi assignment and soon. But its okay. Kita dapat buat banyak latihan. And dapat good result lah masa matrics. So i hope for this program i dapat paham betul betul and hayati physics. Sama sama kita perform dalam exam quiz assignment and test. Goodluck guys πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

Physics and Ili

Assalamualaikum and hye people!

I'm Ili and this is my story about Physics.

" Owh awak dapat C+ je untuk fizik?" 

My Form 5 teacher told me that when I saw her after I took the SPM result.
Memang benda Ili akan ingat sampai bila-bila.

Mana tak nye, 
asal masuk kelas je tidur, homework pun ikut mood nak buat ke tak.
Senang cerita memang tak minat fizik,
Tak tahu apa tujuan hidup bila ambik fizik ni sebab dulu Ili student perdagangan.

Then, when I applied for UPU, mostly I chose Chemistry courses and TESL.

Tapi tak ada rezeki nak masuk Uni, tiba-tiba tawaran masuk matrik datang.
I had no choice so I entered Matriculation dengan tak ada perasaannya.

Ili searched all the blogs about matrics especially students' feedbacks pasal subjects and so on.
Ili ada jumpa sorang student ni cakap pasal nak tukar kos.


Ili ambil borang pertukaran tu and I want to exchange Physics with Biology.

That was enough to show how much I don't want to learn Physics.
Kononnya bila dah habis SPM I won't see you ever again Physics.

Tapi entah macam mana hati ni tergerak tak hantar borang tu.

And here I am. With Physics instead of Biology.
*hahaha what was I thinking at that time?!*

Minat Physics masa dekat matrik
sebab lecturer semua sporting and banyak tolong.
masa awal awal tu blur la jugak sambil dok fikir apa la ili buat masa kat sekolah dulu
padahal benda ulang balik je yang dulu.

I started new, and I challenged myself to do well in exams.
Since that, my Physics results getting better and better until I got A's for my 4th semester 
in matriculation.


I want to challenge myself again, and I think Physics is better in understanding than Chemistry.
Eh? hehehe.

 Insha Allah.

Apa yang kurang harap maafkan. 

Insha Allah,
Kita study sama-sama, kita success sama-sama.
